Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A girlie for for every girl !!!

"Girlie" - I first came across this word as a kid in school (read girls convent school) waiting in line to buy snacks at the canteen and i heard someone say ' aye girlie why you are pushing men' .. From then all girls unknown to me were addressed as girlie .. ha ha !! Stupid .. "Girlie" - the new and improved version became known to me in the last few years away from home.

Huge difference between friends who are girls and girlies. We have million friends who are girls - from school, college, dance class, tuition, gym, first job, building, society and god only knows where else. Girlies are a damn special bunch - those incredible girlies around us who stayed with us no matter what. They saw us at our best and they saw us at our worst. There were times some guys took precedence and girlies were pushed into the backseat; but they didn't complain. Instead, when we go back to them crying about the same guy; they heard us complain and bitch with us too. What we don't understand at the start and come to realize is each of our girlies play sooo many roles in our lives - listener, advice giver, whiner, drinking buddy, bitching partner, miracle maker... Look at your own lives girls and i promise you will see the truth of what I say.

I owe so many of my best moments to my girlies. In college, it was those all nighters we pulled writing journals and reports, the nights they landed up home before a French exam ... Hostel had so many nights of head massages & talking, pedicures & talking and secret drinking & talking .. yeah we talk a lot and about everything - ourselves, parents, siblings, boyfriends, potential boyfriends, ex boyfriends, someone else's boyfriends, someone else's girlfriend, annoying room mates, latest sales, next vacation, empty bank accounts, upcoming exams, future jobs ... the conversation never finishes ... We are all built that way right; we can never steer ourselves away from a good, gossip filled and also a tad bit bitchy conversation.

Now that i have been away from home for a while now, I can't imagine how life would be without these girlies. We all love a big gang to hang out with and go party. But sometimes you need just 2-3 of your fav girlies, a relaxed lunch and a nice bottle of wine. For any guy, the random shopping plans, the spa visits, the rummaging through each other wardrobe even when we have more than enough choice for ourselves, the hours we take to get ready, long long conversation via BBM/ whatsapp seem unreal ( i have had guys tell me that)  - for me its my way of life. My girlies would be ones i know from before kinder garden days to those i met in B school and each one is so so special.

I could whine all the time, cry at the drop of a hat, laugh at the silliest thing, make the same mistake repeatedly and even lose touch with them for a while - but my girlies are mine and mine they will stay !!!!

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