Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The 30s Tamasha

Even before I delve into this post, I will confirm my stand that age is still a number for me. However the whole "getting older" cycle is showing me (and some of my friends) some signs of how life is slowly taking a different path. Being 30 and single is at the moment, a damn good phase of my life. I have the choice to design my life the way I want. However, the last few months I have seen some very obvious changes in my lifestyle and strangely many of my friends echo the same. Wondering if this is my start to ranting as a crabby old lady, hmmm but anyway; I know many others who echo these sentiments.

My sleep is extremely important for me - Not taking away the fact that it always was, however now I deliberately run away from late nights. I have no qualms making excuses to skip a dinner or late night movie esp on a weekday. I will still head out on a Friday or Saturday night but bring up a plan on a weekday and I go *facepalm* "no way Jose".

I have my choice of music that I want to listen to and I am easily awkward to the point of being hopelessly bored in a place that plays new age pop. It is embarrassing enough to try and Shazam the song and then read the details and figure "Damnnnn, who is Nikyee Heaton ???". Similarly I love the feeling of showing off my Michael Jackson knowledge and (don't judge me) boy band knowledge to those 90s born kids who never had a boy band poster in the bedroom and drooled over it (Fine, guilty again!)

I choose comfort above all. Be it my wardrobe or shoes, comfort triumphs all. Stylish comes a close second but now I see myself eyeing those 5 inch heels and going "I waaaaannnnnttttt but damn how my legs will kill me".

I have started to ensure I have a complete blood and the works check up done every 6 months and so. I also have taught myself to understand what all those numbers in those reports mean. I know that's no biggie, most people know that but it's a new one for me. Similarly I care a bit more about staying fit; I consciously try and avoid the junk that I love so much. I just realised its been two months since I had Joey's pizza *sob sob*

Although, there are a few things I have picked up when I was closing in on the 29/30 age mark which I am quite happy about. I have started to enjoy heading out and doing things on my own - watching plays for example. I like the solitude of my own company sometimes. I have picked up a cause that I feel very strongly about and am trying to do my bit. 

So what do you think, age or just laziness 😁 My brain keeps swinging between the two; I think it's usually an amalgamation of the two. 

You know how people make such a big deal about the whole "turning 30" bit; take it from me it is still just a number. Being happy in your own space triumphs all other feelings. Of course, sometimes the higher the number, the better it is - be it in a salary package or a bottle of wine 😜